Khechog and Sharon Salzberg
A Cup of Kindness
Meditations and Music
Special sale for Oct, Nov ,Dec free postage for U.S. and $3 dollar overseas and only $15 dollar for the double Cd
CD $15.00 +ship
The practice of loving kindness is a time-honored way to open the heart, dissolve fear, and relate to of life with compassion, generosity, and wisdom. A Cup of Kindness gives you a two-disc program to help you evoke this boundless spirit in your own life. On disc one, premiere meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg guides you in the formal practice of metta (or lovingkindness meditation). Nawang Khechog, who has been leading kindness workshops for more than two decades, follows with an offering of kindness comtemplations. Disc two presents a 61-minute session of universal compassion and healing music from this Tibetan composer and Grammy nominee.
Samples from Disc One: Sharon Salzberg and Nawang Khechog
Track 3
Track 5
Samples from Disc Two: Meditation music from Nawang Khechog
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 4
Track 5
Track 6
To Listen
to or Order Nawang's Music, click on the CD covers or
Order buttons
purchase of Nawang's music by check or money order. Please
add postage and make check payable to the artist and send
to the PO BOX. Please also include your phone number.
Free domestic
shipping, and $3 Canada, $3 International
For the use of any
of Nawang's music or if you are interested in having Nawang
compose and create new music or sound track for featured film
, play, documentary film, television program, video or other
project. please Contact
Nawang Khechog
PO BOX 7338
Boulder, CO 80306
U. S. A. |
of the CD and Cassette sales from the website will be
donated for Tibetan refugee benefits.
to help the Tibetan refugees can also be sent to tibetfund.org (tax deductable). Please consider becoming a member of
the international campaign for Tibet:
Colorado Friends of
Australia Tibet Council
and other Tibet support groups, especially your local
Tibet support group. If there is no such group in your
area, then please create one, to help establish freedom
and human rights for Tibetans.